A Tennessee Treasure — Bob Duncan
One of the great county archivists and historians in the South is Bob Duncan of Maury County, Tennessee. Bob is a living encyclopedia on a fascinating middle Tennessee town of antebellum houses, tall tale tellers, and a blossoming arts and music community. photo by Kathie Fuston One of the best articles Bob has written was his tribute to the late Phil Everly — an article published by Columbia’s Daily...
Knox County, Kentucky
One of the best county archives in America — perhaps only equaled by Maury County, Tennessee — is located in Barbourville, Kentucky’s Knox Historical Museum. For years Charles Reed Mitchell has edited a wonderful historical journal chronicling the rich history and unforgettable characters of this once-violent place. The Knox Countian is now accessible online at this new site: http://www.knoxhistoricalmuseum.org/...
Music Man — Rick Clark
Anyone who has ever listened to a CD from the Oxford American Magazine’s annual Southern music issue has probably thought, “The guy who picks this song list is a genius!” It turns out THE GUY is Rick Clark who lives in one of our favorite towns, Columbia, Tennessee. Here’s a recent article about Rick: http://validitymag.com/2013/12/tennessee-music-from-the-heart-of-columbia/...
James Davis — Civil War Voices
Our good friend, the attorney/playwright James Davis is interviewed this month by DramaticPublishing.com — link: http://www.dramaticpublishing.com/feature_product_info.php?action=civilwarvoices&osCsid=sq2lkkljojk650pr3t99vtbcm0 His hit play Civil War Voices has appeared in some of the most prestigious venues in the South and soon will have a special musical performance at the University Club in New...
Red Setters Return to the River — Henk ten Klooster
Red Setters Return to the River Growing up as a youngster near a river is spending many magical moments by enjoying times without time. Always at my side was my first red setter Rex who my elder brother and I bought when I was four years old. Even then I would follow my dog with a camera. After nearly drowning and an illness of Weil following, books on America and its Indian tribes like Apaches filled time. Luckily I survived and was...